The Year of The Yang Wood Dragon

2024 is the Year of the Yang Green Dragon. The overall theme of this year is Transformation. A time of letting go of what no longer serves us and an opportunity for great metamorphosis, while tapping into your internal power and resilience. The Dragon is also a symbol of peace. 

Dragons symbolize Resilience, Power, Brilliance, Strength, Luck and Ambition. They are Outgoing and Adventurous but also Demanding and Strong willed. Seen as a Magical and Mystical energy, as well as very Emotional. Dragons are considered the Earth element, so there needs to be a balance of both Earth and Wood since this is a Yang Wood Year. 

The year of the dragon symbolizes the time of growing from a teen to a young adult. As we awaken to this new stage of life, like the mystical dragon, we transform. It is a time of big changes and great movement 

The hexagram associated with Dragon is Guai, which can be interpreted as a body of water that is overflowing, requiring prompt drainage to avert flooding, thus symbolizing the need to be mindful of your actions and decisions to contain your power. Energy is reaching a tipping point and getting ready to break out. Tune into the force and spirit of the present moment. The dragon represents making good choices for your future during a crucial time or situation, making 2024 a great time to make an important decision!” ( CT Holman)

This allows us to let go of not being stuck in old patterns, letting go of what may no longer serve us and also give us the energy or force to move forward through these decisions and changes. 

Dragon years are also seen as magical, since they are a mystical animal who lives inside the rocks, come up through the water and soar through the skies. Dragons want to rise up and clear out old negative belief systems and cultivate peace. They are also seen as highly emotional and become overwhelmed through great transformations, so staying grounded and being aware of our internal environments is crucial. 

The Wood Element 

The Wood Element is connected with Transformation & Forward Moving. It Governs the Liver energy, Growth & Movement. It seeks balance & equilibrium but when out of balance can cause anger and irritability. Anger is a normal human emotion but learning how to process is important. The Liver moves our Qi. Wood energy is what causes tiny sprouts  to shoot up through the earth in Spring. 

Wood represents change, shifting, moving forward - creating something new and exploring new places and things and learning new things about yourself as well. Tuning into internal changes but also learning to stay grounded in those changes is key.

This is a great time to make changes and decisions but slowly. A tree does not grow overnight, it takes time to create its strength and its grounded roots into the earth. 

Combination of the Earth/ Wood Dragon  

Earth - The earth element is connected with worry and overthinking but also staying present and nurturing others and ourselves. Earth is all about acceptance and stability. Earth energy is also very social and loves community and gatherings.

With the combination of wood we must be like a healthy forest. If there is too much wood energy and not enough earth, the trees are not nourished and fall over. We need to manage our wood energy and nourish our earth energy as well. To do this we must have self acceptance, welcoming ourselves to the table this year and learn how to stay rooted and grounded like a strong tree.

Maybe learning new parts of ourselves and learning to work through them and love them will be part of our work. When wood overreacts on earth, it can cause great imbalance. Earth represents the digestive organs Spleen/ Stomach and Wood - Liver/ Gallbladder - if wood is too overpowering this can cause issues in the gut as well as our emotional body. Wood can overact on earth so regular exercise is needed to help keep wood flowing.

Healthy digestion needs to be focused on and eating what makes you feel good (i.e warm stews and soups vs. comfort foods). Also what you digest in your environment is crucial. We need to stay grounded and be aware of what you are taking in ( TV, Social media, News, etc) Instead we want to cultivate presence and also joy which helps nourish the Earth element. 

Yang  represents Strong Movement, Growth, Strength, Sun, Masculine, Change, Creation, Momentum and the energy behind it. Strong Yang Qi is a force that moves through the world. It is the force behind our actions. Because of all of this strong moving energy between Wood and Yang, we must stay grounded in our internal environments but also take advantage of this time of growth and transformation.

Health & Wellness Tips : 

Diet : eating green foods, soybeans, fermented foods, sea veggies and fish, sour foods, bone broth, apple cider vinegar. 

Exercise : Even 15 minutes a day. This is very important for moving Wood energy that can get stuck. Movement is needed and will help balance the physical and emotional aspects of the wood/ yang Qi of the year. 

Mind : Meditation and staying grounded. The emotions of the year may rise so it is important to have our feet planted like roots into the ground. Stay grounded with whatever practice helps you, meditation, acupuncture, hiking, reading. Also practicing compassion since the year ahead may cause more rifts and high emotions. Staying present with your emotions and focusing on the breath.

Happy Lunar New Year!

For the full Yang Wood Dragon forecast from Master CT Holman click here