The Year of The Metal OX

A Forecast For The Year Ahead


“The Farmer stares out across the fallow field and sees mud and downed branches from the storms of winter, knowing that first he must clean up the field and then wait patiently until the land is ready. When it is time, the Farmer puts the yoke on the Ox and slowly plows the field. Then the Farmer plants the seeds and waits for them to grow. Eventually the Farmer brings in a good crop, maybe two if luck is with him. This is the story of this Ox Year.” 

Hard Work, strength and endurance, constancy and cooperation, slow and steady growth, kindness and compassion, community and being of service. These are the overall themes of the year ahead. The Ox is a slow moving and even tempered animal. They are considered yin earth animals even though this year is a yin metal year, so we have this complimentary mix of energies. 

The element for the year is Yin Metal, which is harmonious with the Earth Element, as Earth generates and feeds Metal. In Chinese medicine yin earth and yin metal are a harmonious couple called Tai Yin ( Lung + Spleen ) and work together. 

What this means in layman's terms is a calmer and more stable year without as much anger and potential for violence. Yang energy and behavior - which many can look at as the “angry old man” or the oppression from the patriarchy just won’t be tolerated or supported anymore. 

Yin nature is softer and more subtle. Yin metal focuses more on our inspirations, our hopes and dreams, which as we all know, were severely tested this past year.  However, the turbulence and trauma we all experienced from 2020, left us with great insight, when we were forced to really look at our relationships and spend more time inside at home with family. This year will slowly unfold into a more positive one as we move into summer and fall. This corresponds to when more of the population may in fact be vaccinated, with hope that the pandemic will die down a bit and hopefully start to become less of a collective public health  crisis. 

The overall message for the year is that life will start to become less stressful and more peaceful for many but it will take time and patience. Just as the seasons slowly go from one to the next, so will this change. We are looking at the Ox, who moves slowly and steadily over the fields, with no rush to complete the task, with strength and focus. 

It seems that this year, we will slowly with great precaution, start to come together again in community, locally and globally. Smaller gatherings, dining and travel may be on the horizon but this will be a process we will ease into carefully. 

The Metal element is about virtue, precision and truth. This energy allows for more peaceful times between nations and more virtuous governing. Since there is also an Earth aspect, compromising and agreements between countries will be more possible. Earth is all about nurturing relationships and long term friendships, so renewal in this globally and personally will be more abundant this year. 

Accountability and responsibility are also big themes this year. Those who stray from this will be held accountable and censorship will happen in order to create the balance needed by Metal.  

As for weather and earth related issues, since Metal = Lung, air quality especially from wildfires may play an important role as well as more volcanic eruptions. The need for clean air may cause such detrimental issues for the global community,  that it will speed up possible environmental laws and a collective movement for environmental protections and Climate Change science. These laws may not be implemented until the wood years in the upcoming couple of years but the issues with wildfires and air quality this coming year will be speeding up this very needed process. 

An important value of Metal is education, while nurture is part of the earth element, so we will see a lot of change within the school systems. Our kids have been through so much this past year and we cannot go back to what was “normal”. Teachers have truly been our superheroes. This appreciation for them will continue to shine through and our children’s relationship with learning and school will be on a whole new level. 

Physically, Yin Metal is all about the Lungs. This year, though covid will still be an issue, it will calm down towards early summer and the intensity will be less than the Yang Metal year of 2020 with less inflammation overall. Allergies may be worse this year as will drier Lungs, hair and skin. It is recommended to use humidifiers, hydrate yourself often and also get in touch with your breathing patterns and breath-work ( and see your local acupuncturist + herbalist for optimal Lung health) 

Since Metal is also about the large intestine which is a Yang organ and this is a Yin year, digestion may be an issue for the masses so it is important to learn more about traditional nutritional health rather than trends. Things like juice cleanses and morning smoothies are very cold and yin in nature and can be damaging even more so when there is less Yang in the digestive system. Eating locally and eating fruits and veggies that are in season is ideal for this year. Tapping into our ancestral foods is also key in optimal nutritional health.  

Like the Ox it is important we take care of ourselves and not over exert, over work or over exercise and connect with our yin nature energy. This is very important for the year to come. We must honor our body, rest and tune into our needs so we’re  not burning the candle at both ends. 

Emotionally speaking, perfectionism, anxiety and OCD may be more prevalent this year which are all metal and earth related. While the Lungs in Chinese medicine are all about letting go of what no longer serves us, with the Tai Yin channels ( Lung + Spleen ) we will see a focus on inclusion, acceptance and truth. This past year we have seen conspiracy theorists rise and over the next year, this will slowly unravel. Yin metal is all about facts, truth and being clear minded and with earth, this will slowly bring more people together vs. being divided. This is also a year to really hone in on our inner truth and what we need to live with more integrity and authenticity. 

Important Take Aways For The Year Ahead

“Yin Earth is about being of service and engaging in small acts of kindness. People will care about their communities more and want to share resources. The most important ideals this year are kindness and compassion. It is not wise to provoke anger or act in aggressive ways, as the elements will not be with you. Instead, caring for others in small ways will be remembered and make a big difference. These may be small things like helping when you can. 

The Ox Year suggests that you stay in touch with loved ones, gather together in small family or friendship groups, eat together and share resources with those who have less. More inclusivity and tolerance will be promoted and practiced by many and will make the hardships and struggles of the past start to fade. We are all the same under the skin. Although the tail of the Rat will cause some trouble at the start of the year, the Ox will take over in a slow and steady way to improve circumstances in our lives in so many ways.  However, it will take time. So be ready to see incremental growth and avoid impulsiveness. Try not to be discouraged and have faith. Better times are coming….” 

Lilian Bridges

To Read the full reading by Lilian Bridges - leading Chinese Astrologer click here