In 2025; Your Health is Non- Negotiable

In 2025- Your Health is Non- Negotiable

This includes rest, what we put into our bodies as physical and emotional nourishment and truly taking care of ourselves. This is more than "self-care" but active care. Just like we make time for various other scheduled activities in our lives, it's just as important to take time out of our day, everyday to do something active towards our health. Coming out of a year filled with division in politics and people, wars, strange objects flying in the sky and things shifting technologically at a rapid pace, taking care of ourselves is non - negotiable. We live in an age where we not only have the overstimulation of life through technology but the ability to see all the wonderful and not so wonderful things at once just at our fingertips. The human heart isn't meant for this level of overwhelm, hence the immense rise in anxiety and depression amongst teens and adults. 

Yes, it is a privilege. It takes money and time which we all do not have in excess or maybe we have one and not the other. Make time ( think about all the time we waste just scrolling alone. Acupuncture takes 1 hour ) and invest in yourself and your health. Don't buy that daily coffee or order in that door dash. Just that alone will give you the ability to invest in yourself and your care. Your future self depends on it. 

Acupuncture of course is the total package since not only are we regenerating cells, lowering inflammation and working on our health, we are also activating Theta waves and getting a rest that is so deep, we are able to reconnect with our truest selves, stillness and that space between our thoughts and consciousness. Away from the world for just an hour.

Some other ways we can take care of ourselves and take the idea of self care into life changing, everyday care. 

-Using An Infrared Sauna

( We have one now at Two Rivers) There is so much science and research now behind the immense health benefits of using one. It is said that 3 days of using an Infrared Sauna per week at 20-30 min per day, adds years onto your life.Besides that, it greatly reduces inflammation, relaxes you and detoxes

-Walking OUTSIDE




-Spending time with friends & loved ones 


-Eating nutrient dense proteins, organic vegetables and whole grains -  Well sourced eggs, meats, chicken, fish, etc 

-Doing something that makes you happy almost everyday 

-Find your team ( i.e Acupuncture, Therapy, Yoga, a Painting class, etc) 

We are always here as a resource, a support net and someone to talk to. May 2025 only bring peace around us and inside of us. Cheers to your health, your joy and everything that is yet to come!